Sliktex Variants

Sliktex Classic - Our original trademark spandex fabric. It has a material ratio of 75% nylon / 25% spandex. This is an optimal ratio to ensure excellent stretch, but enough resistance to ensure a good tight compression fit. General use spandex fabric that can be used in many different environments, including sportswear, swimwear, dancewear, fitness, cosplay and mainstream fashionwear.


Stretch: Generous 4-way stretch. Firm at full stretch to ensure a good compression fit.

Level of shine: Extremely shiny, especially under natural light.

Sheerness: Slightly see-through, more so with lighter colors.

Sun protection: SPF50+ UV Protection


Sliktex Superfine - Our more refined offshoot of the Sliktek brand. It also has a material ratio of 75% nylon / 25% spandex, but is 30% thinner than Sliktex Classic, so it has an impossibly delicate feel and is much more see-through. Usage is more focused on sheer fashionwear or intimate garments.


Stretch: Generous 4-way stretch. Firm at full stretch.

Level of shine: Extremely shiny, especially under natural light.

Sheerness: Noticeably see-through, especially with lighter colors.

Sun protection: SPF40+ UV Protection